Nintendo Wii U GamePad: What is its real use? – Part 2
Thursday, June 7th, 2012 5:34:14 by Usman KhalidAt first look the GamePad does not feel any more than a standard controller with an LCD. For most of the games playable on a Nintendo, the tablet is not more than a controller. However, this initial notion wards off as soon as the Nintendo-specific games like Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendoland come forth.
The company has utilized the GamePad very efficiently in these games. For instance, the pad shoots arrows and the controller or the wand serves as the swords in Zelda. In Donkey Kong, the gyroscope kicks in to work out the tilt controls in moving a cart through the maze.
Nintendo has spiced up the games for the new Wii U and the likes of Batman: Arkham City, Assassin’s Creed III and ZomiU all are now more mature games. All of them use the new GamePad in different styles. However, the most common use of the tablet was as a secondary map device.
Despite all this, the particular utility of the new peripheral is still not clear. It is a stand-alone device, a mirroring peripheral or a remote controller to play on Wii U. Though it can play games remotely from Wii U, even if the television is turned off or someone else is watching some other stuff.
The console on the other hand is an improvement on last year’s Wii in some respects. It has rounded off, overall contemporary shape studded with a number of ports and buttons. It supports two GamePads simultaneously and Nunchucks and standard controllers.
The is an optical drive inside the chassis but it still is unable to play Blu-Ray and DVDs, like the Wii. However, it has embraced online video streaming functionality and the likes of NetFlix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video and YouTube can be played on television. This is ample but the inclusion of HBO Plus would not have heart the company, its not like they forgot one of the most important online channel.
Tags: e3, gamepad, gaming, gaming pad, nintendo, u, WiiShort URL: