New entertainment company Eye of the Hurricane starts in July

Friday, June 29th, 2012 6:15:45 by

New entertainment company Eye of the Hurricane starts in July

With effect from 1st July, based in Baarn, Eye of the Hurricane started. This entertainment company brings different, mainly music related, disciplines under one roof. Eye of the Hurricane is caused by a combination of forces and expertise of
Roadstar Agency of Maurice Kroon, FireFly Management (Ilse DeLange) Entertainment and Mask of Albert van der Kroft. The activities of Roadstar Agency are housed in Eye of the Hurricane, as well as Mask Entertainment FireFly Management also continues to develop
its own activities.

Crown and Maurice Albert van der Kroft directing all activities of Eye Of The Hurricane, which are housed in the divisions Management, Bookings, Division Dutch (Dutch artist), Records, Music Publishing, Consultancy and Personalities. The starting point is
a growing synergy between the various disciplines to emerge.

One of the projects where Eye Of The Hurricane is involved, the Gelredome Concerts by Ilse Delange on 14 and 15 September this year, which handles the production. The company is also responsible for the sale of the packages Gelredome Concerts by Ilse DeLange.
The Roadstar Agency activities, such as linking of ‘personalities’ to brands or organizing dance parties in secondary schools, within Eye of the Hurricane continued. Furthermore, in close consultation with FireFly Management worked on plans for Ilse DeLange
in 2013.


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Posted by on Jun 29 2012. Filed under Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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