Slash admits going on a Disney Cruise
Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 6:06:32 by Haris Ansari
Slash, an American musician and the former Guns N’ Roses guitarist, has confessed that despite being renowned as one of the maddest rockers in the world, he has some pleasant memories with Disney Land.
“In 2006, after I’d kicked my drug and alcohol addiction, I went on a holiday with Perla and the kids that I was really dreading. Would you believe they dragged me on a Disney cruise?
“God knows what the other guests thought when they pegged it was me because it just doesn’t tally with the image of a rocker. We spent a week going from Mexico to Florida. It potentially could have been really bad, but it turned out to be one of the most fun vacations I’ve ever been on, so much so that I’m a Disney junkie now.” The veteran musician was quoted as saying to De Telegraaf.
He went on to reveal that he prefer to wear shorts on holidays rather than wearing black leather pants.
“The only thing different I take with me when I’m on holiday, as opposed to when I’m touring, is a pair of shorts. All things considered, if I’m going somewhere sunny, you don’t want to be wearing black leather pants”, Slash concluded.
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