CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, don’t kill us for votes
Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 10:36:00 by Rana Nasir Ghafoor
I would never forget the sentence one of my friends said about Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab. According to him, the big man is active but not effective.
In order to catch maximum votes in next general elections, CM is currently so active that he is working on those roads which were already in good condition. And this seems to be going on all over Punjab especially in Lahore.
Everyone who lives in Lahore knows that the roads that goes to Gangaram Hospital from China Chowk was in reasonably good condition, but our so-called efficient CM unnecessarily gave it a new look. That is so ridiculous in a country
which is going through a real energy crisis.
Many of our brothers have lost their jobs just because of terrible loadshedding we are suffering with. In such circumstances, elimination of loadshedding should be CM’s top priority and he cannot just walk away by putting all the blame on central government.
He should have made Punjab a model province with no energy crisis. However, he is just working on roads and bridges to collect as many votes as he can.
A lot of development work is currently going on in Lahore and I wonder what was CM doing in last four years. Since it is an election year, the whole budget has come out of the bucket and he is flowing it just for own benefit.
He is not CM of the public of Punjab, but of the roads and bridges. So many accidents have taken place so far due to ignorance of the people working on the roads. We experience massive traffic jams everyday in Lahore.
There is no policy whatsoever. CM should let some common sense prevail and start new project only after completing the first one. There are so many projects in process at the same time that the entire Lahore is suffering with a real mess.
He is not doing it for the welfare of people, but to get votes. We are dying with loadshedding and CM is busy in building bridges. I request Mr. active to set his priority right and not to kill us just for cheap publicity.
Tags: DICE, lahore, punjab, Shahbaz SharifShort URL:
Very true, writer painted exact picture. I would like to add further. Somebody should tell this Mr. Active that Punjab is just not Lahore. Go to underdeveloped areas and start doing something there instead of making 12 roads around a small airport.
A very well article written by a proud PTI supporter. Well done!
I totally agree with these remarks.Feroze pur road was the best road in the city which has been destryed. There is no use of remodelling kalama Chauk in that way. I use it daily twice. More time is consumrd in its crossingnow as compared to before remoddeling. More number of wardens are engagaged there.
Mr. Active, the youth specially is not going to fall into your trap.
You have set a great job with YDA.
You are doing great job at load-shedding.
Who Pakistan, not just Pujab, know how active you are…
message from youth: Nice try, but game over!
It is a big portfolio, you can not say it like this,
we will shun off,
Very disappoint to read your comments.CM is working on roads and bridges for the sake of people. Traffic is the main problem of lahore, lot of vehicles playing on the roads. If you cant do for the nation then please dont give bad comments on people how are atleat doing something. Please be positive.
This article reminds me of a famous story about a father, his son and their donkey travelling through a town. First, father rode the donkey while his son walked ahead of the animal. People of the town objected that father was enjoying the ride while his son walked. Then, son took the ride and let his father lead the donkey. Now, People objected that the son is enjoying the ride and making his father walk. Tired of public criticism, at last both rode the donkey together, and people started blaming them for animal cruelty.
Moral of the story – no matter what you do, you can’t shut people’s mouth.
pmln only belong to lahore . they have done nothing in rest of punjab . they will lose seats to pti and ppp in punjab if electiosn are fair of course
and so Called CM Shahbaz Sharif is ignoring other cities of Punjab just wasting whole budget in Development of Lahore.
Not impressive. You have just seen the roads & bridges in the form of repairing not while that need a lot. I think u don’t know about education , health & Rozgaar schemes which supported a lot to the poor people. Be neutral , positive.last sentence cm is much better than pm.
There is a statement of Shehbaz. Sharif on record that why these extremists would attack Punjab and us we are their friends (or something like that). His law minister Rana Sana has open relationship with the extreme fanatic terrorists and election alliances with them. No wonder his area is not a big victim of terrorism as all the other provinces are. It is not surprising that leaders of Punjab like Taseer and Bhatti are brutally killed there is no serious attempt on the Sharif brothers or other rightwing leaders. The secular democrats know full well the connection between the terrorists and Sharif brothers and would not forget that in the next elections either. These political offspring of Dictator Zia are equally responsible for the current strength of terrorists.