First hate it then love it– the Google Love Story behind its products – Part 4
Monday, July 16th, 2012 6:16:19 by Usman Khalid
The camera on the device can take picture of whatever comes to the user’s liking at the disposal of a single command, “Take Picture.” This has enraged the public on the privacy issues it raises, for instance, it can take picture of someone with his/her knowledge of the action.
Well, if it hasn’t dawn on the public, there are other gadgets like MP3 players, watches that have cameras, above all cell phones that have the most sophisticated cameras in them.
Exaggerating a mere mistake as something that privacy infringement is not just. Everyone is prone to committing faux pas. ‘To err is human,’ and there are actually humans behind the computer programming.
Google Plus’ bug in events’ management was taken too seriously for its actual nature. Events used to automatically add in the users’ calendars, even those that they did not accept. Google swiftly corrected the bug but it is still haunted by civil liberty groups to date.
The term ‘creepy’ has become synonymous to Google’s products. Rivals, public and human rights entities all take a useless point and drag it to the lengths that it starts to dilute. Jeff Jarvis, author of “Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live,” argued on the false premise behind the origin of ‘creepy’ used against Google products.
“Define ‘creepy.’ It really means nothing. It’s something unfamiliar that we are getting used to,” he said. “When it first was introduced people were very much crept out about the Kodak camera. It’s natural with a new technology.”
Resistance against new technology is an integral part of human psychology but fearing the harm it might bring actually puts pebbles in the shoes in advancement. “If we rule our lives based on the bad of what could happen, we’d do nothing,” Jarvis said. “We try new technologies, figure out the limits and if someone goes overboard, people will have a fit and it will get dealt with.”
Tags: apps, Gmail, google, google plus, productsShort URL: