Ten common habits of Pakistanis (Part Three)
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012 5:00:05 by Faisal Farooq
This article is the last episode of the three-part series, in which the writer highlights ten most common habits of Pakistanis. In the last part, he identifies different aspects of Mocking, Rage, Criticism and Emotional Fooling.
In Pakistani society, people use to make fun of others around there. If anyone pronounces a word wrongly, people instantly start ridiculing him/her. One becomes a target of our derision if he/she wears different attire which is not in the fashion.
Another unique habit we have is rage on petty small things. In case we are stuck in traffic jam and suddenly a slight hit of a car burst out the built-in anger in the form of thumping scuffle.
We are found of having argument on petty issues which involve most common view. It includes from bargain for reducing the price while shopping to meet a curt look if mistakenly stepping on one’s foot in a crowd.
Our unbendable ego just boils up into fury and doesn’t let us give up easily without having a brawl.
Another habit in which we are masters is criticism. We use to criticize everything which is not according to our wishes. There are hundreds of examples in support of this argument.
Best examples are overexposures of media, women’s attire, physical appearance, so forth and so on.
Without considering ourselves, we love to criticize even not constructive. Sometimes we do such practices just to demean others to overlook our weaknesses.
Emotional fools
Without any doubt we are quite emotional people and our hearts works in place of our minds. In any case, logic is an intangible for us.
Be it any occasion either Pakistan cricket team wins any match or hockey team loses against India.
Our emotions dominate us so strongly at the time of protests and we make it a matter of our life and dead while forgetting the real cause of our demonstrations.
We are as much emotional that we kill people while showing our anger just on the claims of other people.
Tags: Annoying, Blaming, Emotional Fooling, Lying, Mocking, Over-smartness, Pakistan, Peeking, Rage Criticism, Ten Common Habits of Pakistanis, Unwanted SuggestionsShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=30931
I am sure there are some positives which unfortunately don’t figure out in this list, at least as much as I have seen. These include voluntary help whether it’s on the road if you get stuck up in traffic or hospitality; people will bring iftar to you on the road if logjammed. I have experienced both these. Yes we are emotional but not on one end as highlighted. We have our virtues and no one should get carried away with our vices alone. We need a good strong leader to direct this emotionalism to achieve great heights. Long live Pakistan!