Tweets from celebrities on the demise of Neil Armstrong

Sunday, August 26th, 2012 5:44:36 by

Tweets from celebrities on the demise of Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong, who became the first man to walk on the moon in 1969, died today at age 82. Following Armstrong’s final departure from this world, celebrities have taken to Twitter to honor the late astronaut’s memory and to commemorate his heroism.

Many of the reactions on the micro-blogging site come from entertainers known for their sci-fi work, like Tron actor Bruce Boxleitner and Moon director Duncan Jones, whose fictional journeys beyond Earth’s orbit have undeniably been influenced by the real-life
explorer. Stardust author Neil Gaiman tweeted a photo of himself, Armstrong and fellow writer Neal Stephenson, remarking on his blog, “I spent a couple of days in Neil Armstrong’s company. He was as nice, as modest and as wise as anybody could have hoped for.
If you ever wondered what my face looks like when I’m going, ‘This is really happening, and I am the luckiest man in the world,’ it looks a lot like it does in this photo.”

Read on for more reactions to Armstrong’s passing:

George Takei: “With him, we all took one giant leap towards the heavens. Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong, as you rejoin them.”

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Kevin Smith: “I salute you, NEIL ARMSTRONG! Thanks for your courage & class! You showed the galaxy how far a kid from Ohio could boldly go. #GoodNightMoon”

Duncan Jones: “Thank you Neil Armstrong and all the astronauts and cosmonauts of the golden era of space exploration. You gave us reason to dream bigger!”

Josh Duhamel: “One of our greatest heros died today. RIP Neil Armstrong”

McFly guitarist Tom Fletcher: “Everyone should go outside and take a look at the moon tonight and give a thought to Neil Armstrong.”

Alyssa Milano: “Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong. You are such an inspiration.”

Simon Pegg: “Just heard Neil Armstrong took the giant leap. RIP a true modern hero and conqueror of the moon. Will be ever remembered.”

Seth Green: “RIP Neil Armstrong. Proof that humans can always push further.”

Bruce Boxleitner: “The greatest of American heroes has passed away, the first man to step on the moon 1969. Neil Armstrong, the eagle has landed. RIP”

Wil Wheaton: “One great moment of silence for mankind. Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong.”

Ryan Devlin: “‘I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer.’ – Neil Armstrong (add hero and badass mofo to that list) #RIP”

Kurt Fuller: “Watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon is one of the seminal moments of my childhood. It told me anything is possible.”

Ryan Seacrest: “Thanks Neil Armstrong for bringing the moon into our living rooms & curiosity into our minds. One giant loss for mankind.”

Nancy Pelosi: “When Neil Armstrong took his small step, Americans knew we could overcome any obstacle. May he continue to inspire future generations.”

Mitt Romney: “Neil Armstrong today takes his place in the hall of heroes. The moon will miss its first son of earth.”

Joe Biden: “There may be no American who taught us more about ourselves, and what we are capable of achieving, than Neil Armstrong.”

Barack Obama: “Today, Neil’s spirit of discovery lives on.”


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