Want to change Pakistan? Choose the right Candidate!
Thursday, August 30th, 2012 4:50:10 by Syed Hassan Bokhari
General elections in Pakistan are a scary moment for most citizens, which have unfortunately faced 36 plus years of martial law dictatorship that has practically destroyed this country. Letting democracy flourish in the only true and practical way of changing this country around for the better and with that, patience is the key.
The whole process can take many years and at the moment, we are about to face the completion of our first truly democratically elected government. Although it might not have brought the best of results, because we as the people expected quick fixes and drastic results right away, but the truth is that democracy is a process of decades of evolution and progress.
Countries like the United States, which are known to be the super powers of the world, have become what they are today after more than 200 years of democracy growing and changing with the need of time. When martial law is imposed, all growth is stunted, thus freezing progress, whether economical or regards to infrastructure, is stopped in its tracks.
It is not hard not to observe that it can take Pakistan many, many years to come up to par with first world countries, only if the democratic process is allowed to progress, but with that comes many things to be known, which at the moment many of our citizens are unaware of.
General elections are the only useful way of letting your voices be heard being the citizen of any country, but ensuring that the values and interests of the respective community are kept at top most priority is a whole other aspect of viewing it.
Unfortunately, in our country, elected members of the provincial and national assemblies, along with the local body elections and basically any other sort of process which involves electing representatives to a specific body of authority, is done on the basis of favouritism and other aspects which destroy what the basic system is truly meant for.
In Pakistan, people are elected on the basis of class, standing in society, wealth, ability to perform favours, creed, race, religion, party and tribal background, instead of on the basis of how the actual person is in terms of personality, capability, honesty and if he will work for the community or not.
Even in the major cities like Lahore, Karachi and others, these factors play the deciding role in any sort of election, which deprive the nation of true representation because the person up for election is there for personal gain rather than uplifting of the nation.
Elections come only every five years and the next one is coming in 2013.
Other than registering our vote, in order to use our right, we as a nation must also consider standing up for elections with the approval of our communities and the stakeholders involved or elect someone who is a true supporter of that region and is known to be a good and righteous person instead of focusing on whether they belong to the same caste as I do.
Choosing the person on the sole basis of his affiliation with a specific party is also another way to disregard a wholesome process because the person on the inside is not always what his/her party stands for.
Many times a person from an opposing party is better and should be chosen due to the work he can do for the nation.
Getting rid of these draconian age traditions of choosing the wealthy and high class members, than regretting our own decision later will only stab us in the back in the long run. Choosing the person who is indeed known for his work in the society and educational background should be the way we must select our next representatives.
Tags: candidates, elections, general elections, Pakistan, PMLN, pppShort URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=315
well observed, well said, of course this is an other chance for Pakistani people to change their lives and future of their generations by choosing right people of the qualities and education mentioned by the writer to bring this nation out of deprivation and take it to in new century.