Innocence of Muslims Misconstrued
Monday, September 17th, 2012 3:15:56 by Asiya Mahar
Though watching the movie trailer ‘Innocence of Muslims’ for only 5 minutes was so disturbing that I simply think it’s sheer mistake watching production of a sick mind. From just a few glimpses of the clips from the movie, I got the reason why the agitation on the movie is so harsh.
What America, Israel plus the other Non-Muslim World need to know is that Muhammad (PBUH) is not an ordinary man, He is above every relation and belief on his Prophet Hood is the basic essence of Muslims faith. This is far more critical than calling Muslims as terrorist, occupying their states, attacking their personal beings or imposing multiple sufferings on them.
By now and then, incidents of disgracing dignity of the personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and targeting the components of Islam i.e. Burning of Quran happen, which are hard to digest as among all global problems what wrong has the religion of Islam done? If you don’t want to research on what Islam is? who the Prophet (PBUH) was? can’t give respect to them then at least you have no right to misrepresent them too.
Saying Sorry every next day is not enough; why has America or any other state given their citizens the right of misapplying the right of freedom? Does sabotaging the feelings of millions across the world encompasses right of speech for them?
What actually is the need of time is to introduce a law that bars individuals from repeating such things in future. If hundreds of documents can be produced in the name of ensuring peace every year, if heads of states of 180 countries can be gathered almost every month to discuss serious issues that perturb peace, why a conference on this matter cannot be called that hinders the peace of Muslims across the globe time and again?
U.S has to take serious actions against Sam Bacile, Terry Jones and similar individuals who burnt copies of the Holy Quran in Afghanistan and leave no chance unturned to blame Islam. If the religious affiliations are not taken care of by the powerful states of the world, then at least they should give second thought to matter that this kind of wrong act by one or few leads to mass protests and killings.
On Muslim end, the thing which is going wrong is the way the protests are being done. Being violent is not the solution of problem and more basically that isn’t allowed in Islam. Alas! Our understanding of religion also falls short. Getting emotional, violent or abusive is not what we are being taught by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). While defending His personality (Prophet PBUH), neither we are allowed nor should we forget His (Prophet PBUH) Guidance provided to us on the matter which is obligatory for us to follow.
Even if Jihad is waged, 7 days ultimatum is said to be provided so that the place of target is evacuated and no women, children or old persons are left behind. Even after Jihad is waged, one is not allowed to destroy property even have to take care of trees, birds and animals living in surrounding. But are these things taken care of during present protests?
Apart from this, what I am not still clear of is the sin done by U.S Ambassador to Libya, who was brutally murdered and made a symbol of lesson for other Non-Muslims? What was his part in the movie? Did he say any word of support in favour of the movie? Then why what should have been done with the accused was done with the innocent?
At first instance, Muslim religious leaders should have responded and should have cleared the course of action to the Ummah. Then the so-called Islamic organizations should have convened an urgent meeting on the issue and should have urged U.S. to stop such incidents in future. They should have charted out present and future strategy addressing that what will be done if such incidents are not halted. They should have exerted pressure on U.S. by cutting off every kind of diplomatic and economic ties so that the matter would not have gone this much worse. Regrettably, they did nothing, that’s why the people started doing what they thought was right to deploy pressure.
We Muslims also need to rethink and formulate right course strategy to deal with such matters in accordance with the teachings of Islam. To sum it up, I strongly Protest Against the Film defaming Prophet Mohammed (SAWW). Let us all join in sending Salutations on the Holy Prophet. However, we should not support any kind of violence because our Beloved prophet taught us to be patient, calm and Peaceful even in times of adversity.
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It is against our faith to insult Muhammed. Because Americans have done so, all Americans deserve to be killed for the glory of Allah.
Praise Allah!