Apple set to claim more damages from Samsung
Monday, September 24th, 2012 6:04:33 by Farasat AliApple has asked the courts to permanently ban the sale of Samsung in the U.S. for the long history of violation of its patents plus an additional fine of $ 707 million, ordered by the judge to the
Korean company in August.
The two biggest manufacturer’s of Smartphones in ten countries still face legal battles for patent and design issues.
The technology giants, Apple, have now asked for another 400 million per copy design for infringement of their patents, and 121 million for the total damages not covered by the San Jose jury after declaring Samsung as guilt.
Apple, meanwhile, have also requested for additional 50 million for the alleged harm that will be done to their company until December 31st 2012.
Samsung, on the other hand, is getting ready for the new trial.
The Court’s restrictions on the time of trial, witnesses and evidence were unprecedented for a patent case of this complexity and magnitude and prevented Samsung to present a full and fair case, in response to the many demands
of Apple. Therefore, we request the Court to grant a new trial to
allow adequate time and equal treatment to both of the
Samsung also regretted that the resolutions of
patents covering issues such as the shape of the product, in addition to the points technology.
"It is unfortunate that the patent laws can be manipulated to give a company a monopoly on rectangles with rounded corners or technologies that have been enhanced by Samsung or by
other companies."
Samsung has not stood still by claiming a case against the new iPhone 5 on the same grounds of patent infringement.
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