Malala Yousafzai unites Pakistan against Terror and Evil
Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 2:02:16 by Syed Hassan Bokhari
The 14-year-old that has become a symbol of hope for the nation Pakistan has successfully managed to do what no one else could achieve at such a young age as the bold and extremely intelligent girl united the country against all forms of terrorism and evil prevailing in society.
Pakistan is going through one of its toughest times in history as extremism, narrow minded thinking and terrorism have griped it and now, after the very unfortunate shooting of the 14-year-old by cowardly organization, people stand more united than ever to eradicate the evil from its roots.
The Pakistan People’s Party government, which has always been supporter of liberation of the people and free thinking in society, has now received the backing of religious organizations as well. The Sunni Itehad being the latest to now term the Taliban’s in Pakistan as terrorists along with supporting any operation in order to cleanse the country of this plague of illiteracy and barbaric behavior.
What is still disappointing is that some so called liberal minds like Imran Khan have still not been able to point fingers at who they know to be behind the attacks and instead, make diplomatic statements against generalized wrongdoings in society in lieu of taking proper action. Others are regarding to be staged and something that was done to divert the attention of Pakistanis along with much more nonsense and baseless statements.
The people of Pakistan want a free, liberal, educated and advanced place to live where Islam is dominant and not the narrow minded thinking of a handful of extremists. Pakistan was made for Islam and to allow its residents to freely and practically implement its teachings, by love for it and not by force.
Malala Yousafzai continues to fight for her life, now in the United Kingdom and while 180 million people pray for her life, she lives fully in the heart of the people that take her to be a symbol of peace, love and progress. It is definitely shameful that we, the people, were unable to save her from the hands of cowardly and illiterate animals, but hopefully, she will rise again and lead the younger generation for future years to come, proving that Pakistan really does have a bright future.
Tags: Malala Yousafzai, Pakistan, peace, Taliban, terror
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Things will never change for as long as the people want a religion in charge of government
“The people of Pakistan want a free, liberal, educated and advanced place to live where Islam is dominant”
History tells us that whenever a religion is dominated, you will have persecution!
Thanks for sharing your point of view. But I beg to differ.
Some religions might not discuss politics and give society a structure to follow in terms of government, law of economics, but Islam on the other hand, gives one of the best social-economic plans that even some countries like the USA have thought of implementing. Religon is only as binding as you make it to be and history does tell us that Muslim nations in the past were far superior to their counterparts due to the practical and true implementation of its teachings.
What we are facing right now is a struggle of power between the liberal and free minds versus extremists who think religon forces people to do something, but that is not the case at all. Islam is much more than praying five times a day, but it definitely is a complete way of life without flaw.
love pakistan