Primary Education in Pakistan
Monday, November 12th, 2012 10:08:07 by Web Desk
Once I was reading a article of Dr: A, Q khan he writes that once I was in abroad with my teacher to attend a seminar when we enter in the hall my professor comment that , how silly these people are? They think that a person sitting 4to 5 hour in this rough and woody chair uncomfortably can understand their views and information, but how can it possible.
After reading that I start thinking about the future of our country who are complied to get education in a more worst condition, just think about a child who have wish to get education and sitting under a tree with out fan, furniture and roof in a hot sonny day. That is a situation of our student so how can they get education and brightened our future? Although our students are so bright, intelligent and can coop with bad situation easily, but just think if we provide full opportunities to our student then the result must be unexpected.
According to a report mostly schools in rural area do not get basic facilities, which include pure drinking water infrastructure, furniture, play ground, Lab and libraries. Only in Punjab where the literacy rate is more then other provinces have 20% school with out having the facility of boundary wall, 30% school with out having the facilities of drinking water and 30% with out having toilet facility. Although many new projects are in action but whose know what are the result of these projects?
Situation become more worst when we come to know that mostly schools are only exist in papers ,in reality they don’t have building but it’s teachers continuously taking their pays. In far away village’s schools are use as the cattle shed or the drawing room of land lord. In the rainy season’s school remain school because that days it seems like a pound. So in this situation parents are compiled to send their Childs in private school but because of high amount of fees and other expenditure which they cannot pays they send their children to such place where they can earn or at least learn some work.
So in this situation how can we expect our students to became our future and take our country in the way of progress? We should think about it.
Writer Zunara Sabir is student of International Islamic University and as well as a research Scholar.
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well done zunara