Pakistan welcomes ‘Friend’ Kerry nomination as US Secretary of State
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 3:29:24 by Tahir Khan
Pakistan has welcomed the nomination of Senator John Kerry as the next U.S. secretary of states at a time when Washington needs Islamabad’s key role for a political way out in Afghanistan.
Pakistani ambassador in Washington, Sherry Rehman, called Mr Kerry as a “steadfast” friend of the country, which has suffered a lot since it has joined the U.S.-led coalition in 2001.
“We welcome news of the nomination of Senator John F. Kerry as the next US Secretary of State. Senator Kerry is a man of towering stature and accomplishments, having served the United States with great vigor and distinction,” Sherry Rehman said in a statement.
She said Senator Kerry has demonstrated through the years an extraordinary understanding of the complexities of South and Central Asia.
“He has been a steadfast friend of Pakistan and is keenly aware of the strategic importance of a democratic, economically viable and stable Pakistan,” the ambassador added.
Senator Kerry will replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state for President Barack Obama’s second term. Ms Clinton was widely thought to have a tilt towards India.
“We look forward to his confirmation and to working with a statesman of his high moral standing and outstanding diplomatic caliber, to strengthen Pakistan-US relations, and to build peace and stability in South Asia,” Sherry Rehman said in a statement.
Pakistan was quick to welcome Kerry’s nomination as many in the country consider him as friend of Pakistan.
Kerry was the co-author of the Kerry-Lugar-Berman law which authorized a five-year $7.5 billion disbursement to Pakistan although with certain conditions in 2009.
He has made efforts to repair the Obama administration’s unraveled relations with Pakistan. When the relationship had been under tremendous pressure, he flew into Islamabad the unilateral U.S. raid to kill Osama bin Laden last year in May.
As Pakistan-U.S. relations have seen some positive signs in recent months, Kerry nomination could give a further boost to the efforts to improve further bilateral relationship.
After suspension of nearly two-and-half year, the U.S. has now decided to give Pakistan about 700 million dollars from the Coalition Support Fund.
Washington had reportedly withheld between $1.18 billion and $3 billion of promised military aid and Pakistani officials say the U.S. has to pay more from the blocked money.
Kerry nomination came at a sensitive time when the U.S. will need in the coming two years Pakistan’s help as the Afghan endgame fast approaching.
The U.S. will depend on Islamabad’s for the political agreement before the 2014 withdrawal of its and NATO troops from Afghanistan to avoid a possible civil war. The Obama administration will also need Pakistani land routes for withdrawal of heavy machinery and troops and all these will go smooth when both enjoy cordial relations and the role of Kerry would be more important.
As the current chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kerry’s nomination is expected to get a quick confirmation in the Senate as some Republican and Democratic senators have voiced backing for their veteran peer.
Kerry, 69, will succeed Hillary Clinton, the current occupant of the State Department who has stated her intention to leave at the start of Obama’s second term in January.
A Massachusetts Democrat, Kerry launched a bid for the White House in 2004 but lost to then incumbent George W. Bush by a margin of 34 electoral votes.
He has built close ties to Obama over the years by offering support to his presidential elections and embarking on diplomatic missions for his administration, particularly in Afghanistan and Pakistan over some intractable disputes.
But like Clinton, Kerry is not part of Obama’s inner circle, a fact that casts doubt about his ability to wield influence over foreign policy making in the administration.
Tags: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Kerry-Lugar Bill, Pakistan, Sherry Rehman, US-Pakistan AidShort URL: