Imran Khan discharged from hospital
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 9:12:09 by Tahir Khan
Chairman Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan was discharged from hospital early Wednesday two weeks after falling off a mechanical lift raising him onto a stage at a rally on May 7, his doctors said.
Khan was injured and admitted to Shaukat Khanum Hospital where had been on bed and doctors allowed him to walk for 10 minutes for the first time on Tuesday.
“We are pleased to announce that this morning, Mr. Imran Khan was discharged home from Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre,” the hospital statement said.
Imran walked from his room on the third floor of the Hospital to the exit on the ground floor, unaided, it said.
“As previously explained, Imran will continue to receive regular physiotherapy and will need to wear a spinal support for some weeks to come.”
The statement said Imran will gradually increase physical activity over the next few weeks with a return to his full functional capacity expected in approximately six to eight weeks.
While leaving, Imran thanked all his friends, well-wishers and the millions of individuals all over the world who had offered their sympathy, prayers and support throughout his illness.
The entire staff of the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre wishes Imran a speedy recovery and all the best for the future.
The PTI chief shifted to his home in Lahore where he will stay for three more days before he proceeds to Islamabad to chair party meetings on government’s formation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
On Tuesday, Imran Khan was fitted with a specially-designed spinal support or brace. Following this, he stood upright and unsupported for the first time since his injury two weeks back.
He had a series of X-rays of his spine which confirmed continued healing and excellent alignment of his backbones. The X-rays were reviewed by a team of radiologists and surgeons, who were very pleased with the results. Shortly, thereafter, Imran walked unaided for over 300 metres and remained pain-free.
The hospital management said that Imran would continue receiving regular physiotherapy and was likely to need to wear the spinal support for some weeks to come. He will gradually increase physical activity over the next few weeks with a return to his full functional capacity expected in approximately six to eight weeks.
As in the past, the SKMCH spokesman said, Imran Khan would be paying the entire cost of his hospitalization at the Shaukat Khanum Hospital. He has been touched by the numerous offers to pay for his care made by friends and well-wishers and has asked that anyone wishing to do so make a contribution to the care of the poor cancer patients at the hospital instead.
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