Drinking lots of coffee linked to higher risk of death
Monday, August 19th, 2013 11:39:48 by Tahir Khan
Drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week may raise your risk of dying early if you’re under age 55, a study suggests.
The research on coffee and health is often confusing. Some studies suggest that drinking coffee may help people live longer, as it is rich in antioxidants (nutrients that help protect cells from damage).
But other studies suggest that drinking coffee may sometimes be harmful, given the high number of chemicals it contains and the potentially negative effects of caffeine, such as increased blood pressure, HealthDay News Reported.
It’s likely that a variety of factors, including how much coffee people drinks, are responsible for these conflicting findings. To learn more, researchers looked at more than 43,000 people, aged 20 to 87, who’d taken part in a large US study.
The people filled in detailed questionnaires on their lifestyle (including how much coffee they usually drank), their health, and whether they had a family history of heart attacks, strokes, or other health problems.
They also had a medical examination that included blood tests, blood pressure measurements, a heart test (an electrocardiogram, or ECG), and a test to measure their fitness.
The researchers then followed the people for an average of 16 years to see whether there was a link between how much coffee they usually drank and their risk of dying.
When looking at all ages grouped together, the researchers found that men who drank more than 28 cups of coffee a week (more than four cups a day) had a 21 percent higher risk of dying during the study, compared with men who drank no coffee.
Tags: electrocardiogram, HealthDay News
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