Senate Passes Resolution to Protect Women from Illegal Jirgas
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 6:00:25 by Ahmad Mehdi
Pakistan is a country with a population reaching almost 180 million and with so many people living here there are ones who take matters into their own hands when it comes to taking decisions regarding law and order.
Since the ruler community makes up most of the country’s population, they do not tend to go to lawyers or judges; in fact, they hold their own Jirgas where the elders of the community take a decision and the rest simply have to follow.
During this time women are the ones who suffer the most. Since they are mostly over-powered by men in such areas, decisions are mostly taken against them. There have been many instances where the man was at fault but since the Jirga has to take a decision, the woman had to make a sacrifice and she was the one who was blamed at the end.
Jirgas are illegal in the country but it is hard for the government to keep track of them. However, the government has recently passed a resolution where they have claimed that women rights should be acknowledged and Jirga system should be abolished.
Illegal orders of Jirgas are now banned and the government has already unanimously passed a resolution where they claim that women rights will not be touched during the peace talks that take place with Taliban.
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