KP Finalizes Plan to Relocate IDPs
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014 6:37:54 by Ahmad Mehdi
It was reported from Miranshah that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has worked on its plan to work with Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) as the government is planning to launch an airstrike once again on North Waziristan.
Tehreek E Taliban and Pakistani government were involved in a peace talk where they were both respecting each other and managed to come to a ceasefire. However, Taliban decided to kill all the 23 people they held captive since 2010. This angered the Pakistani government and they decided to launch an airstrike in North Waziristan where they killed several militants and destroyed their hideouts as well.
Now Tehreek E Taliban has claimed that they want a ceasefire since they are trying to fight a losing battle. They want to come back on the table in order to talk about peace with the Pakistani government.
However, there are still chances that these peace talks might fail; reason being the several attacks which Taliban have carried out recently, including the terrorist attack on the F-8 Kacheri in the capital city of Pakistan.
Since this might make Pakistani government revert to the aggressive stance, the KP government is already working out a plan to relocate all the IDPs who are going to flee from the North Waziristan region.
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