100 Days completed without any drone strikes in Pakistan
Monday, April 7th, 2014 2:34:27 by Hunain Naseer
Sunday marked the completion of 100 days without any drone strikes taking place in territory of Pakistan.
According to the federal government, the milestone was reached due to unceasing diplomatic efforts, but analysts are not exactly clear as to why the US stopped the use of drone attacks on Pakistani soil.
The drone strikes had earlier continued over a period of 9 years, 9 months and 17 days, targeting the tribal areas of Pakistan and killing thousands of people, including suspected Al-Qaeda members. The last reported drone strike was in North Waziristan, on December 26, 2013.
The locals however believe that the halt is a result of the ongoing negotiation between the government and Taliban, which hints at the government’s involvement in the attacks.
According to the Taliban Liaison committee members, US drones still fly over the tribal areas, despite resolutions passed in the assemblies and numerous protests by the people.Â
Currently the government is in talks with the Taliban in order to pave the way for peace in the country. The major parties involved in the negotiation are the ruling PML-N and the PTI, while the Taliban have also declared a ceasefire in the interest of negotiation.
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