Report Reveals USAF Involvement in Pakistan Drone Strikes
Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 5:38:41 by Hunain Naseer
According to a report published in ‘The Guardian’, the United States Air Force (USAF) is involved in the drone strikes carried out in Pakistani territory.
America’s drone programme, which has been condemned and criticized internationally, has been majorly focused in the northern areas of Pakistan, where suspected terrorist havens have been targeted without approval or authority, raising concerns over the country’s supremacy.
The report has revealed that these drones, flying under CIA’s command, are operated by US air force personnel.
It is based on a documentary titled ‘Drone’, in which former drone operators were interviewed, who claimed that USAD personnel flew Predator missions in Pakistan.
The documentary also points out the 17th Reconnaissance Squadron as the unit behind CIA’s drone strikes in Pakistan and is believed to be operating from Mojave Desert, in Southern Nevada.
The Guardian also reportedly approached the National Security Council (NSC), CIA and the Pentagon, and while the former two declined comment, the Pentagon did not response.
Brandon Bryant, a former US Predator drone operator, who was also featured in the documentary, stated that his decision to speak out came after senior officials of the current administration made a move to transfer the CIA’s drone programme under military control.
While Bryant’s statement was confirmed by six other drone operators, none of them was willing to formally go on record to speak against the programme.
Tags: Drone strikes, Pakistan, USAShort URL: