Farewell to the most Mexican Colombian
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 4:01:34 by News Pakistan Admin
An image of some 30 years ago gathers Elena Poniatowska, the winner of the 2013 Cervantes Prize, and Gabriel García Márquez. The writer puts her arms around the author of Chronicle of a Death Foretold. It is often joked that the Latin chronicler par excellence had made him a “bad journalist “. The day in 1976 when Mario Vargas Llosa punched the Colombian, her journalist chose to go for a frozen to aid his friend instead of running to their wording to write history steak. Mexican remembered fondly Monday. ” He is magic. Wonderful. Put Latin America on the map. ” The author traveled to Madrid on Thursday for the ceremony. It took off shortly before the death of Colombian Nobel was announced.
García Márquez was the Mexican Colombian writer. With his close friend Carlos Fuentes Julio Cortázar founded the department in 1993. Both donated scholarship money that the Mexican government gave a program to disseminate literature in Guadalajara, the headquarters of the International Book Fair in Castilian largest.
The late writer Carlos Monsivais used to remember that once heard a presenter introduce as ” originating in Macondo, Oaxaca,” as if the fictional town of Hundred Years of Solitude was located in the southeast of Mexico. ” Gabriel García Márquez is the Mexican strain, therefore it is Colombian and Cuban and Spanish strain, because, among other reasons, nothing bothers him as much as be convicted of literary, musical and sentimental Aliens “, Monsiváis wrote in a profile week in the journal.
Historian Enrique Krauze said on Twitter that ” his prodigious literature accompanied my generation and brightened our lives. Now Gabriel García Márquez belongs to eternity. ” And Hector Aguilar Camin, also by that means, he said ” has died the senior author and the most beloved of Spanish letters. I wanted readers alike and the Muses. “
In an interview with 25 Hour program, Cadena Ser, the writer John Villoro emphasized his influence in Colombia the work of the Mexican Juan Rulfo and underlined its extraordinary power as a narrator: ” Some of the great chronicles of García Márquez changed the lives of its protagonists. I think Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, for example, of a man who had suffered a terrible tragedy and was able to return to an unnamed beach. This, García Márquez makes for an epic story and not the protagonist realizes his epic until you read through the great chronicler “.
The Mexican author Jorge Volpi writer defined the Colonel No One Writes to as the greatest Latin American letters along with the Argentine Jorge Luis Borges.
Conaculta director (the Mexican government agency that manages the culture) Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, said one of the great achievements of the Colombian Nobel Prize went to “translate the Latin American magical realism in true reality.” He also said that Garcia Marquez is the Castilian equivalent to ” the great Russian writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.”
The president of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, conveyed through his Twitter account regret at the death he called ” one of the greatest writers of our time.” The president noted that the author ” was born in Colombia, Mexico for decades made ??his home, thereby enriching our national life.”
After several more visits in the north of Latin America, García Márquez was definitively established in Mexico in 1975 country. Wrote Here Hundred Years of Solitude, here he was told that they had won a Nobel Prize, his son Rodrigo was born here. But Aracataca, and Colombia, never left his heart. ” One day he told me that although he had been very happy in Mexico ‘ Not one day I stopped to think of Colombia, once said to me,'” remembered today, touched, Mexican author Angeles Mastretta in a radio interview.
The Mexican government announced Thursday afternoon that would yield a tribute to Colombian writer in the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, an honor that is usually intended only Mexican authors.
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