Canada hit with 6.6 magnitude earthquake off of Vancouver City
Thursday, April 24th, 2014 7:30:56 by News Pakistan Admin
An earthquake occurred Wednesday evening 8:10PDT in the Vancouver area (Western Canada). Its magnitude was 6.6, according to the American Institute of Geophysics (USGS). Earthquakes Canada, an agency of the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada, had, meanwhile, registered a magnitude of 5.9, according to Radio -Canada, before reassessing it be at 6.6 also.
The epicenter was 94 km south of Port Hardy, a town on Vancouver Island, which is located off the city of Vancouver. Its depth was 11.4 km according to the USGS. No tsunami warning was issued as there was no possibility of tsunami threat for the potentially threatened areas: the province of British Columbia (Canada) and the U.S. states of Washington, Alaska, Oregon and California, said the tsunami Warning center in Palmer, Alaska.
Radio- Canada reports that residents described a jolt of ten seconds. Two smaller aftershocks were felt in stride. They had a magnitude of 5.0 and 4.2. Civil Protection BC quickly announced on Twitter that there was no damage.
Port Hardy Mayor Bev Parnham said Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon was greeting seniors at an interpretive centre and fish hatchery, Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre, when the earthquake hit the area.
“Somebody said, ‘oh earthquake,’ and of course we then all felt it, and you definitely knew you were in an earthquake,” said the Mayor.
“I don’t think there was even enough time to really comprehend because it was very short,” said the Mayor Parnham, “like it was strong but it was very short, short lived, and I think by the time it actually registered in your mind, this is what was happening, you know, it was over.”
The Mayer also said that there were no injuries in the city. “But almost everyone has felt it. It was a great shock ,” she has said.
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