Terrorists of Boko Haram Cause another slaughter in Nigeria
Friday, May 9th, 2014 6:50:25 by Abdul Basit Abbasi
Boko Haram, the Nigerian terror group that kidnapped three weeks ago 276 adolescents and threatens to sell them as slaves, has conducted a new slaughter in the northeast, its main area of operation. The attack occurred Monday in a town called Gamboru Ngala, near the border with Cameroon, and according to witnesses could have resulted in 150 to 300 fatalities.
“There are about 300 people dead, many more injured and almost all houses have been burned. My brother who was there told me that the figure of 300 does not drop dead, “said Senator Ahmed Zannah, adding that the jihadists were there for about 12 hours looting, burning homes and vehicles and killing those who tried to escape without any resistance.
The increased activity of Boko Haram coincides with the awakening of a strong worldwide campaign for the release of the 223 students abducted the night of 14 to 15 April in an institute of Chibok who are still in the hands of Boko Haram (53 managed to escape).
In this sense, the Nigerian government, which tries to defend internal Rain criticism for its alleged inaction in resolving the mass abduction, has announced on Wednesday its intention to pay a reward of up to $ 310,000 to who can provide “credible information” that leads to the release of young.
Likewise, the U.S. has announced sending a team of experts to Nigeria to help the security forces and the army of this country to free the girls. This was confirmed by U.S. President Barack Obama, who confirmed that the team will consist of military, police, intelligence experts and release of hostages and specialized victim assistance staff.
In an interview with ABC, Obama said that ” this may be the event that helps the entire international community to mobilize finally do something against this horrible organization that has perpetrated this terrible crime.”
Besides other Western U.S. begin to react. The British Government has also announced sending a team of experts ” as soon as possible ” while French President François Hollande, has announced that will do “everything possible ” to help Nigeria.
The main problem now facing attempted rescue of girls is that their whereabouts are unknown. On Monday, Aboubakar Shekau, Boko Haram leader, released a video in which, in addition to claiming the kidnapping, announced its intention to sell young girls as slaves. And prior to the onset of this video days, sources had revealed that some of the teenagers were already being sold for 12 dollars in nearby countries north of Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon.
Moreover, some of the girls who have managed to escape have revealed that the group could continue Sambisa forest, near the Cameroon border, where Boko Haram has several shelters. But it is a vast expanse of land and inaccessible.
Not the first time Boko Haram kidnapped girls or young. About a year ago Aboubakar Shekau himself announced his intention to kidnap women begin to sell in the market in response to the persecution they were subjected by Army wives of the members of this terrorist group. And it has, so far away from the media spotlight and international attention.
Only in the first two months of the year 25 women were abducted by this criminal gang. Some of them were later rescued and had been forced to marry and have sex with their captors. Others could not be released and its track was lost in the women trafficking networks that exist in this region of the world.
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