Hollande and Merkel are ” illegal” referendum in eastern Ukraine

Monday, May 12th, 2014 7:40:42 by
Germany and France

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande, offered Saturday in Stralsund, a medieval city on the Baltic sea, a powerful demonstration of unity and strength of the famous Franco-German axis. In a forceful joint declaration signed after a two-day informal meeting held in the constituency of Merkel, the German chancellor and the French president threatened new sanctions if Russia did not support the election that must take place on 25 May in Ukraine, an election that would restore stability to the country.

“A failure of the holding of presidential elections internationally recognized further destabilize the country. France and Germany think that in this case there must be consequences as decided by the Council of Europe on 5 March,” said the statement released in Stralsund.

This new show of unity and strength of the Franco-German axis was held just 24 hours after Russian President, Vladimir Putin, visit to Crimea. The visit was described by West as a provocation and a show of support to thinly disguised self-determination referendum who organized pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The meeting between Merkel and Hollande, described as a private visit of the French president was marked by the crisis in Ukraine, and while the two leaders were scheduled to discuss other issues, such as the election of the next president of the European Commission, the recurring theme was Ukraine and Moscow’s position on the crisis.

Merkel and Hollande asked Moscow a visible reduction of Russian troops stationed on the border with Ukraine and expressed support for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) set in motion a hazardous work aimed at collect all illegal weapons circulating in Ukraine.

” We have relationships with Vladimir Putin and want to use them so that he can understand the scope of what is at stake in Ukraine in the coming weeks,” said Hollande, in the framework of a joint press conference with Merkel. “The Russian president must send signals that he wants to reduce tension so that elections can take place,” he said on his part the German chancellor, who recalled along with Hollande, the two countries did not want to take penalties to level three, but that the change would depend on the attitude to adopt Putin.

“The illegal possession of weapons must cease immediately,” said Merkel and Hollande, criticizing the violence that took place in Odessa and Mariupol. More importantly, the German chancellor and the French president called for the convocation of a “national dialogue between representatives of the Ukrainian government and the representatives of all the regions in Ukraine”, a move that should take place before elections May 25

Short URL: https://www.newspakistan.pk/?p=43883

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