Khalifa Hifter – A Libyan General against Islamization?
Monday, May 26th, 2014 4:33:56 by Khalil Khan
Libya has erupted and the last trigger for this umpteenth spiral of violence and chaos has been retired Gen. Khalifa Hifter, who on Sunday led a coup attempt against the parliament elected in 2011 after the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Hifter is far from a rookie and is reaping many unexpected support. Has a history of 70 years and a career in the Army and in exile portraying him as a soldier, above all, very anti-Islam and quite and close friend to the United States and even the CIA.
The professional profile as military Khalifa Hifter is more controversial. First head of the Artillery Academy Al Mark, his childhood town, and in 1969 helped and supported Gaddafi in the coup that clinched him in power and overthrew the monarch King Idris. But then drifted apart and became great enemies. The gap was generated after the chaotic war between Libya and Chad in the 80s. Hifter directed but was a disaster. More than 75,000 Libyans were killed, thousands were tortured and Hifter was captured and taken prisoner. All indications are that Gadhafi did not move many threads for release. Some strategists also question how the general got into the nest without clear alternative departure.
When he mounted the Libyan National Salvation Front in opposition. Then he picked up the bags and took refuge in the United States, in Virginia, in a house near the central base that the CIA is in Langley, near Washington. There barricaded nearly 20 years, holding meetings, contacts and conspiracies against the regime of Gaddafi. Do not really know how that period of his life was financed. A report by the U.S. Congress in 1996 suggested that the U.S. defrayed and trained that group.
When U.S. and NATO staged the entire operation to topple Gaddafi in 2011 to General Hifter was also in these intricacies and thought out very reinforced, commanding the Army of the future new government. It happened. Yes, he returned home and resumed his well-placed connections with old Liberal politicians and increasingly tired of the presence and influence of Islamist political power in the new military comrades.
Last February, when the current Parliament had expired mandate and sought autoprorrogarse, Hifter took a risky step that seemed false. He announced on television a blow against the power delivered to Islam. No forged and he seemed sentenced.
Hifter is an anti-Islamist Parliament accusing Libya of harboring extremist jihadists and terrorists coming to Al Qaeda. That’s why wielded to attack Benghazi 10 days ago and nearly 80 deaths and cause for seven Parliament, face and armed tribal militias and even shake this weak country. But now I have collected many different props.
U.S., which has refused to condemn this attempted coup, looks favorably upon this obsession Hifter against militias settled around Benghazi, who want to impose Islamic law and Sharia.
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