Pakistan PM Lands in India for Modi’s Oath Taking Ceremony
Monday, May 26th, 2014 3:43:10 by Nadeem Bajwa
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has landed in New Delhi, India to witness the oath taking ceremony of Indian Prime Minister elect Narendra Modi. Pakistani PM was invited to attend the swearing in ceremony along with other SAARC head of the states.
Nawaz Sharif kept guessing the host country for many days before announcing acceptance of the invitation last Saturday. It is widely believed that he made the final decision after receiving positive signal from the army establishment.
Sharif told reporters before departing to India that he is taking the message of “love and peace” with him. Pakistan freed 151 Indian fishermen who were detained by Pakistani security forces in the Pakistani waters. The move is a good will gesture from Pakistani government.
The critics expect no breakthrough in the two country’s relations as a result of the visit. It will, however, give both the head of states to meet each other for the first time, exchange some friendly conversation and pose in front of camera for photo session.
Narendra Modi’s party BJP has welcomed Nawaz Sharif’s decision to visit India on the occasion of the history making show of swearing in of new Indian Prime Minister.
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