Ukraine president chooses to address country’s problems
Monday, May 26th, 2014 8:55:19 by Nadeem Bajwa
Over 35 million people have been summoned to the early presidential elections in Ukraine, whose main function is to restore the legitimacy of the executive power after the three -month internship opened with the flight of President Viktor Yanukovych, on the weekend 22 to 23 February.
Restoring legitimacy will not solve the serious problems of the country, but it is a prerequisite for addressing that existed before the crisis and that have accumulated. Russia, which is formally recognizing Yanukovych as president, has ruled capriciously concerning these elections and, despite positive reviews of President Putin in recent days, there seems to be yet said its last word recognition. Moscow wanted Ukraine to adopt a federalist constitution before the elections.
Among the tasks to be addressed by the new president is the restoration of the vertical power of the state and functioning of the institutions. During the interim chaired by Olexandr Turchinov, the State, when it worked, seems to have done either on autopilot or through common sense of Ukrainians walk.
Ukraine has six months of instability, considering the period that started in late November last year with the Euromaidán, the movement for the signing of Association with the European Union which was then transformed into a revolution against the widespread corruption system represented by Yanukovych and his family and countrymen Donetsk clan.
During this half year of turmoil, Ukraine has plunged into a deep economic, social and political crisis, Russia took the opportunity to snatch the Crimea in March. In addition, the interim authorities in Kiev have to deal with armed resistance from pro-Russian separatists in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk East and that after two separate illegal referendums, have proclaimed their independence and aspire to join Russia. In both provinces, the rebel leaders were determined not to allow the presidential election. There will be no elections in Crimea, but the Ukrainian peninsula (the census includes 1.8 million voters) can it go on the ballot if they want elsewhere.
In eastern Ukraine, clashes between military forces and paramilitaries loyal to Kiev and insurgents have claimed more than a hundred dead. Instability also, to a lesser extent, there are provinces like Kharkov and Odessa, the latter still shocked by fire May 2 at the home of the Union, where more than 40 people died.
Compete in elections 21 candidates, of which the favorites are the ” Chocolate King ” Piotr Poroshenko, who has been foreign minister and has held other state offices, and former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko. Poroshenko is the favorite, but we have to see if the elections are decided in the first round or if you require a second, to be held on June 15.
The new president will have far fewer powers Yanukovych since has restored the 2004 Constitution, which responds to a presidential – parliamentary model and the Ukrainian Parliament is working on a new Constitution, which would restrict further presidential powers in favor of parliament and also proceed to a certain decentralization of power in favor of the provinces.
On the basis of this constitution in the autumn parliamentary elections should have to complete the relief of inherited institutions that have lost representation in large part by the collapse of the Regions Party, which was majority and Yanukovych’s power base. The collapse of the Party of Regions, which controlled the east, this area has left the country without leaders and without representatives in Kiev.
Two candidates are vying East vote Mikhail Dobkin, Governor of Kharkiv and former official candidate of the Party of Regions, and Sergei Tigipko, who was Deputy Prime Minister Yanukovych and is best placed of the two, with a 7% in the polls.
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