Conservatives claim presidency of the EC
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014 3:00:09 by Nadeem Bajwa
“The European People’s Party is poised to win the elections. And, therefore, claimed the presidency of the European Commission.” Just received Sunday night in the first election results the European People’s Party candidate to chair the EU executive, the Luxembourg Jean -Claude Juncker. Conservative could wait until the final results are to appear, but also made clear the intention of the group to choose the most coveted spot in the cast of Community charges.
Shortly before seeing the first estimates of vote, reflecting a decline for European social democrats, the candidate of this group, Martin Schulz, had advanced his intentions. “I will try to find a majority,” he said, although he later earned a track compared to the results of the 2009 elections. At midnight, in his first appearance after the first results, Schulz confirmed, was more ambiguous and said it was “too early to say who will support who” and not abandon his entire campaign speech: ” for the first time it is clear that the Commission President will leave the five candidates.”
With this decline, a mixture of sadness and optimism gripped the first swords of European social democracy. The result, slightly below the 190 MEPsĀ leaves little room for maneuver. “We will try to build a majority but we will meet first with the Conservatives,” noted another spokesman for the group.
President of the Group in the European Parliament, Hannes Swoboda, flatly ruled out a grand coalition of conservatives and liberals in the European Parliament and, instead, advocated alliances with other minority groups to form a leftist coalition, deepening defends the thesis that much of its parliamentary group.
From now starts the negotiation. Green candidate, German Ska Keller was willing to talk to everyone, but will only accept compromise with those with ” green agenda”. “We will not tolerate or cooperate with parties that do not respect human rights, the rights of minorities, immigrants or women,” said Keller, the only woman candidate to chair the Commission in this election. “We are pleased with our results,” shortly after meeting highlighted the first screenings.
The group harder to decant the majority is liberal, who has endured the pull of the radicals and has managed to partially stop the bleeding that augured polls. Their candidate, Guy Verhofstadt, appeared before the media to emphasize that after the electoral battle, the coming weeks will be used to name the president of the EU executive. “It is essential for us to have a large majority and a European Commission with a new program to really get out of the crisis,” he said early in the morning. “We want to continue the conservative policies that led us to this situation and refuse to implement structural reforms because they believe that Europe has already overcome the crisis,” he said quickly. ” And it is imperative that the nominee is a candidate. It would be incomprehensible something different. ” Verhofstadt, former Prime Minister of Belgium between 1999 and 2008, said he is negotiating in six countries to increase the number of MEPs from 70 to 90 made ??. Has applauded the rise of participation. He closed with a reference to populism, “What France is worrying, but in other countries the trend is the opposite: Geert Wilders has brought worse results in the Netherlands and is only the third force, despite the polls.”
The last to appear, Alexis Tsipras, did so from the headquarters of his party, SYRIZA, in Athens. “It is historic that a leftist party wins the election and do it with such a wide margin,” the candidate pulled chest of the European United Left in reference to what happened in your country, Greece. If preliminary results are confirmed, his party would go from 35 to 43 seats in the new Parliament, beyond the support they have pledged various non-aligned parties (including the big electoral surprise in Spain, we can). “It is a clear message that austerity policies have not worked, they have made suffer the southern European countries. Citizens have condemned the austerity and voted for growth and democratic sovereignty ” closed.
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