No mercy with former Egyptian President Morsi
Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 7:03:49 by Maleeha Tareen
While a smiling Abdel Fatah al Sisi voted Monday in a polling of the affluent Cairo neighborhood of Heliopolis, Mohamed Morsi, the rais who was deposed nearly one year ago, languishes in prison Burj al-Arab, near the city of Alexandria. The Islamist politician, the first elected president of Egypt at the polls, is being tried on four different processes and is largely absent from an election intended to select – or rather, ratify, his successor.
Over the months, and the decline of the movement seeking restitution as a legitimate president, Morsi figure has been hovering in the background of Egyptian media. Become his political movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, public enemy of the state, hard to see the effigy of Morsi on the streets of Cairo. Only in some suburbs faded some electoral poster of the 2012 presidential contest remains.
“President Morsi is in good health, and keep morale high. Hopes that the public eventually defeating the coup ” he told El Pais Tossan Mohamed, a member of the legal team defending former president. ” We are forbidden to visit him in prison. Neither his family can do, which is against the law. But I have spoken with him during the many trials to which it is subjected, ” added the lawyer.
Specifically, there are currently four open trials Morsi: for inciting the murder of his detractors who were demonstrating in front of the palace Ittihadia; for conspiring with foreign militias to storm the prison where he was held during the Revolution; Spying having passed state secrets to foreign entities; and fraud and insulting the judiciary. In his appearances in the various processes, the Islamist leader remained defiant, often interrupting the session, prompting the authorities to soundproof the defendants cage covering it with glass surface.
“We do not recognize the legitimacy of these courts. According to the Constitution, the president can only be tried by an ad hoc tribunal, “says Tossan, reiterating the strategy of the defense lawyers, who believe that the charges are political Morsi. The rest of the leadership of the Brotherhood also faces a string of trials under a similar accusations.
The only judicial processes involving several leaders of the brotherhood and already completed is known as ” macro trial of Minia.” In a sentence that stunned the whole world, a judge sentenced the death penalty to 639 people for the murder of a police officer, including Mohamed Badie, Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Mohamed Saad Katatny, president of the arm brotherhood politician and former parliament.
” With the election of the new president, the illusion of some about a possible return of Morsi will end,” said Mahmoud Khalaf, a retired general who participated influential in several campaign events at Sisi. The strategic decision to abandon the petition to restore Morsi in the presidency for months that divides the tables of the National Coalition to Defend Legitimacy, a platform that includes the Muslim Brotherhood as well as a constellation of small Islamist formations.
On several occasions, coalition representatives have assured that their central demand to the authorities is that Egypt recovered the democratic path, downplaying a hypothetical return to the presidential palace Morsi Ittihadiya. With this gesture, seeking to expand its base of support to those citizens critical of the Islamist government but fearful of the implementation of a police state raïs. However, such statements were then colored by the guardians of orthodoxy, who insisted that the return of Morsi is an indispensable condition.
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