Ceasefire between Kiev and pro-Russian until 27 June
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 1:20:46 by Jamshed Sindhu
The separatists of Donetsk Popular Republic (DPR) have agreed to maintain a ceasefire until June 27 in response to a similar measure last week by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. The agreement was reached in an unprecedented meeting Monday among senior representatives of the conflicting parties which was held in the building occupied by regional government of Donetsk under the auspices of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
“We have agreed on a bilateral ceasefire until 10 am on June 27,” said Leonid Kuchma, president of Ukraine, who participated in negotiations with his former chief of Directors, Victor Medvedchuk today the leader of the Ukrainian organization Option and closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin. They were accompanied by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Zurabov, and the representative of the OSCE, the Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini. The separatists were represented by the head of government of Donetsk, Alexandr Borodái; Andrei Purguin, leader of the RPD; the head of the movement of the Southeast, Oleg Tsaryov and unidentified leaders of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Lugansk (RPL), reports Ukrainskaya Pravda and Interfax. The pro-Russian separatist promised to help secure the release of the eight members of the OSCE held in eastern Ukraine.
“We pledge to stop the fire until 27 June in response to the ceasefire by Kiev ” Borodái said, according to Russian news agency Ria Novosti. If there is a ceasefire, ” and we can agree, at least to begin consultations on the continuing talks for a peaceful regulation of the conflict,” the separatist leader, an ex-journalist who advised separatists in Crimea. ” Moving troops through the territory of the republic and the use of weapons is interrupted ” Borodái, who also expressed hope that the Russian Federation will enforce ceasefire added.
“It’s a positive sign, but another thing is that negotiations will be successful,” said a source from the RPD, according to which the separatists do not accept any integration in Ukraine and only want to negotiate “on independence.” The spokesman for the Council Information Centre for National Security and Defense, Vladimir Chepovoi had found earlier that the fighting in Donbas had stopped and from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon had not been detected or attempts to use weapons or occupy administrative buildings, so he could speak, he said, of ” a ceasefire in the region of fact.”
Medvedchuk said that talks are intended implementation of the peace plan to regulate the situation in the east of Ukraine, the cessation of bloodshed and avoid casualties and maintain the unity of the country. Medvedchuk is considered the ” man Vladimir Putin” in Kiev by the close personal relationship that binds him to the Russian president, who is apparently also godfather to their daughter. Tsaryov, which for a time emerged as the political and uniting the regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, has been expelled from the Supreme Rada, where he was deputy of the Party of Regions, and he is a order of arrest. The address of the politician who openly supports separatists, has been plundered and his family had to flee to Crimea. From his experience as director of the largest missile factory in the USSR, Kuchma, is possibly the most acceptable president of Ukraine in negotiations with the separatists. As Tagliavini, is a diplomat with extensive international experience and the author of the report of the European Union on the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia in South Ossetia.
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