Pakistan Asks Afghanistan to Stop Terrorists Fleeing NWA
Friday, June 27th, 2014 5:59:51 by Ahmad Mehdi
Pakistan has urged their neighbouring country, Afghanistan that they should support them with the Waziristan situation that they are currently trying to handle. Pakistan is currently in a state of war with Tehreek E Taliban.
It all started when the two parties were trying to shake hands in order to talk about peace in the country. Tehreek E Taliban have been a problem for the country for quite some time and now Pakistani Army has taken a strict action against them.
Pakistani Government and Tehreek E Taliban spoke about how they want to sign a peace treaty so peace is maintained in the region.
Some factions in the Tehreek E Taliban were not agreeing to the peace talks. This is why they decided to kill the 27 troops they kidnapped in 2010.
Army retaliated but the final nail in the coffin came last week. The militants entered the Karachi International Airport and tried to burn planes and cause horror.
The Pakistani armed forced handled the situation but announced war against the militants. Now Pakistan is carrying out an operation in North Waziristan. In the most recent news Pakistan has asked Afghanistan to not let any militants flee into their country as they want to eradicate the problem once and for all.
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