FIFA might as well handcuff Suarez and throw him in Guantanamo
Saturday, June 28th, 2014 5:11:10 by Shakira Subhani
The penalty impusesta by FIFA to Luis Suarez for his bite Chiellini during the Uruguay -Italy has generated a torrent of reactions in the world of football. His own teammates, political representatives of Uruguay, former football rivals… everyone wanted to give opinion on the incident and his punishment.
“Suarez didn’t kill anyone. This is an unjust punishment, the act of an incredible mafia,” said Diego Maradona. “The FIFA sanction is shameful, they have no sensitivity towards the fans, they might as well handcuff him and throw him in Guantanamo,” said Maradona who himself was banned for 15-month from football during the 1994 World Cup for testing positive for illegal stimulant.
“Football has to keep that line of respect, you have to set an example. Those who come off the line have to be punished,” Ronaldo, world champion 1994 in the United States and Korea – Japan 2002 said. “Football must be used for good. Just for good, “the former player said.
The Chiellini himself has argued against Suarez punishment through a letter posted on his website. “Inside me there is no feeling of joy, or revenge, or rage against Luis Suarez for the incident that occurred in the field. I have only anger and disappointment at the match lost. Currently, my only thought is Luis and his family, because they are facing a very difficult period. I sincerely hope that he be allowed at least to be close to his teammates during games. “
Even the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, has criticized the Suarez punishment.“The disciplinary measures against Suarez were a monstrous aggression, not just against a man, but also against a country,” the president said.
“We must respect the sanction because it is the Committee that organizes the tournament. I can not comment because I’m not part of any of those involved,” Ricky Alvarez, Argentina midfielder, said.
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