An NGO denounces murder of 190 Iraqis by militants
Sunday, June 29th, 2014 10:28:39 by Maleeha Tareen
The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) announced Friday that the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS) killed between 160 and 190 men in two sites of Tikrit, 180 kilometers from Baghdad. U.S. NGO so confirmed after analyzing photographs spread through social networks.
HRW has said through a statement that “the analysis of photographs strongly indicates that the ISIS conducted mass executions in Tikrit after taking control of the city on June 11.”
The slaughter of nearly two hundred men “the number could be more” could have been recorded, according to the NGO, in at least two places between 11 and 14., Adding that HRW indicates the difficulty of locating the bodies and access the area prevents a full investigation.
After taking this town north of Baghdad, Sunni extremists spread photos and videos of alleged mass executions saying that 1,700 soldiers had died of the Iraqi Army. At that time, military officials endorsed the authenticity of the photos released by the Associated Press. But the UN was quick to denounce the ISIS had perpetrated war crimes by “a series of systematic, cold-blooded execution” of hundreds of soldiers and civilians captured in Tikrit.
Based on the analysis of images and comparing them with photographs of the same site in 2013, Human Rights Watch has concluded that two of them were taken on the same link, in a field located about 100 meters north of an ancient palace Saddam Hussein near the Tigris river. A commanding military said at least 11 bodies were recovered, according to the U.S. daily New York Times.
Also reviewed satellite images of the area on 16 June, but no evidence of the bodies were found, although certain movements in the earth, including the trail of some vehicles.
HRW could talk to a neighbor who witnessed the executions from the roof of his house. “I saw it with my own eyes. Was afternoon. Was a long line. Could see about 10 militants pointing their rifles to a long line of men leaving trucks. Some wore masks and other face uncovered. Abducted wore civilian clothes.” This neighbor of Tikrit, as he relates the NGO left the city shortly after the executions.
On day 22, the Shiite government of Nuri al-Maliki acknowledged that the bodies of some of the 175 recruits who had been murdered bodies were thrown into the Tigris and others buried in a mass grave.
Not the first time evidence Human Rights Watch serious crimes committed by the ISIS in Iraq and Syria, territories where the Sunni militants group is most active.
The HRW emergencies director, Peter Bouckaert said the ISIS is committing mass murder and publicizing that could be considered crimes against humanity. “These and other abusive forces should know that the eyes of the Iraqis and the world are watching them,” he added.
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