Musharraf resigned from fear of impeachment – PPP
Saturday, July 12th, 2014 9:06:38 by Jamshed Sindhu
Pakistan People Party (PPP) spokesman Farhatullah Babar has said in a statement that Parvaiz Musharraf resigned from the fear of impeachment and the claim of former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani about a deal is baseless. Gilani had asked Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to provide safe passage to former President of Pakistan Retd General Parvaiz Musharraf as part of the deal made with him by PPP or PML-N.
Farhatullah Babar said in a statement it was the fear of impeachment that made Parvaiz Musharraf to resign as the President of Pakistan. Babar said that former President Asif Zardari had formulated a committee including Raza Rabbani, Sherry Rehman, and me to draft resolution for the impeachment of Parvaiz Musharraf. Ahsan Iqbal and Ishaq Dar from PML-N also attended the meeting.
Babar added that Provincial assemblies also passed resulutions for the impeachement to send a strong message to Musharraf that preparations for his impeachment are finalized.
PPP spokesman said that Parvaiz Musharraf had understood message for his fate so he decided to resign from presidency to avoid impeachment. He further added that PPP made no deal with him in this matter to provide the safe passage after his resignation.
The former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has advised Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to refrain from legal action against Parvaiz Musharraf as his party was part of the deal which PPP made with the Retd General to provide safe passage.
Tags: Asif Ali Zardari, Farhatullah Babar, Pakistan People Party, Parvaiz Musharraf, Prime Minister Nawaz SharifShort URL: