Revision Of Fourth Schedule List By Provinces Intended For Banned Terrorists
Tuesday, April 12th, 2016 10:12:41 by modousarr
Despite the strong efforts to complete the revision and updating of the list of fourth schedulers, Punjab is considered as the only province to make large improvements in fulfilling the task.
In the previous month, the Punjab government had acquired 5,000 tracking chips in order to monitor the movement or location of suspects placed under the Fourth Schedule of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.
In the first stage, the provincial government aligned plans to install tracking chips on at least 800 suspects. The chips were brought in from the United States, Turkey, and Switzerland.
Other provinces such as K-P have proven more complicated. Based on sources, K-P presently hosts around 4,000 fourth schedulers or about half of the country’s total number of fourth schedulers. Around 7,000 to 8,000 fourth schedulers are considered to be in the country.
The Fourth Schedule contains the names of all the known suspects with an involvement in a militant or sectarian organistation, who are deemed as a threat to public peace and security.
The suspects give an affidavit to the government stating that they would desist from any involvement with any militant organization in the future or engage in any criminal activity.
The interior ministry, in February 2016, had taken a bolder step by tightening the noose around Fourth Schedulers, human traffickers and members of banned organisations, promising to annul their travel documents, obstruct their national identity cards and remove certain facilities such as driving licenses, mobile SIMs from being accessed, including permission to create and operate bank accounts.
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