Pakistan Will Have To Use Their Own Funds To Purchase F16 Fighter Jets Says U.S. Lawmakers
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 5:10:24 by modousarr
Sartaj Aziz, the prime minister’s adviser on foreign affairs stated that Pakistan will source fighter jets from elsewhere if the United Sates fails to uphold an agreement for the purchase of 8 F16 fighter jets by Pakistan from the US.
As part of the deal, Pakistan was to pay the sum of $270 million while the US was to supplement the purchase through its Foreign Military Financing Fund. However, the US congress moved to block the use of US funds to help Pakistan with the purchase.
A hold was put in place to prevent the Obama administration from accessing the funds to help Pakistan to buy the jets.
It was confirmed by the Obama administration on Monday that Pakistan will have to use their own funds to purchase the jets.
The Deal was met with controversy from the start and was opposed by leading republicans lead by Rand Paul. Paul and his supports failed to block the sale in congress but this latest development effectively amounts to the same result.
Aziz stated that altough the F16’s are much preferred, Pakistan will look elsewhere to bolster its air force especially considering that India’s military expenditure is rising to worrying levels, this situation will only force Pakistan to also increase its military spending.
One of arguments non supporters of the sale to Pakistan used was the fact that Dr. Shakeel Afridi a Pakistani national that was instrumental in helping US authorities locate and kill Osama Bin Laden is in state custody after repeated requests by the US that he be freed and allowed to travel to the US.
Afridi’s case is before a tribunal and he is also accused of having terrorist links.
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