Nepali President’s Visit To Delhi Cancelled
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 7:03:56 by modousarr
President Bidhya Devi Bhandari’s visit to India was cancelled by the Nepal government barely 72 hours to her departure, without any express reason given.
The Indian Express on Saturday termed the move as without basis, reporting that Kathmandu had recalled its ambassador, Deep Kumar Upadhyay in Delhi.
The Express stated “Both these acts came barely 24 hours after Prime Minister K. P. Oli defeated a move to unseat him from the post, under an initiative taken by the main opposition party, the Nepali Congress. The move was to have seen Pushpa Kamal Dahal, chairman of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoists and the second largest constituent in the cabinet, lead the new government.”
The move failed at the final second after Dahal entered into a fresh deal with Mr Oli who promised that he will dismiss all politically motivated cases pending against Maoist leaders and cadres during the insurgency that latest almost a decade, all the way to 1996.
According to the Express, it is Mr Oli’s belief that India contributed to the move to unseat him. The cancellation of the president’s visit to Delhi and the withdrawal of Ambassador Upadhyay clearly show that the Prime Minister is at bay with India.
A Nepali diplomat, without any strange feelings against India described the moves as an ‘unfriendly act’.
Following Mr Oli’s position as Prime Minister in October, Ms Bhandari became president. The both of them belong to the same party, with Mr Oli as chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML). She apparently shares the same views with regards to India.
The intended visit was deemed as a move to explore traditional cordiality in bilateral relations that have been victim to a series of setbacks particularly after India’s support of the Madhesi groups anti-constitution protests and the blockade that went on for months commencing in September. It resulted in a drastic shortage of vital goods and fuel for Nepal.
According to Indian analysts, the Modi government in Delhi is responsible for pushing a neutral Nepal into China’s embrace.
Mr Oli’s visit to India in February was unsuccessful in repairing relations, an as a counter-measure, he entered into a series of agreements with China that will definitely affect Nepal-India relations.
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