Parents of Quintuplets lose all five babies
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 12:08:54 by fatimaarshad
The Gwadar couple who was blessed with not one but five babies, sadly lost all of them on Monday after they could not be saved by the doctors. The couple had come to Karachi from Gwadar to get the babies delivered but now they will have to go back to their hometown empty handed.
The five babies were born at Darul Sehat Hospital in Gulistan-e-Jauhar early on Friday morning and the news was broadcasted on all national TV channels. Out of the five babies, three were girls and two were boys. Three of the babies were in critical condition right from the start and they were being kept under observation.
“We tried really hard to save the new-born babies but they couldn’t survive as they were born premature at 26 weeks with low birth weight and weak lungs,” said a statement released by the hospital on Monday.
According to the pediatrician, Dr. Shireen Qasim, one of the girls and both the boys’ birth weight was 0.6 kilograms each. The remaining girls weighed 0.7 kilograms and 0.8 kilograms. The babies’ birth weight was critical right from the beginning and to make matters worse, their lungs had not fully matured, making their chances of survival even less.
The mother of the quintuplets, 32-year-old Waheeda Javed, was deemed stable after she delivered her children through normal delivery. Immediately after their birth, the babies were kept in incubator and were being monitored constantly.
After the babies’ demise, their parents were disheartened. The father, Javed, talked to news channels on Monday and said;
“These two days [Sunday and Monday] have been the darkest days of my life as I alone buried five of my babies,” he said. “The first baby died on Sunday and, within the next few hours, all of them died one after the other with the last death taking place on Monday afternoon.”
Waheeda and Javed will be going back to their village in Gwadar with just their five-year-old son named Jeand.
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