Domestic Violence Issues Need To Be Addressed In Pakistan
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 5:49:42 by modousarr
Domestic violence is a problem that is on the increase on a daily basis in Pakistan while women and children are the most affected. Over the years, the issue of violence has been raised but nothing was done by the Council of Islamic Ideology. But once again the need for the subject to be dealt with has come up again with expectations that it will reach the provincial assembly for further discussion.
Sikander Sherpao the Provincial Minister for Social Welfare and Women Development disclosed to sources that there is hope that the discussions will be had in the provincial assembly anytime soon.
“The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government is not only going to discuss the domestic violence bill in the provincial assembly after going through and getting rid of all objections raised by the Council of Islamic Ideology, amendments in the Provincial Commission on the Status of Women, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act 2009 are also underway to make it autonomous and give it a status it deserves.”
After questions were raised about the conclusions reached upon after the Council of Islamic Ideology had talks, it was claimed by the minister that the bill was not rejected but the Council wanted to clear all misunderstandings.
The minister went further to explain that “the social welfare department has made clarifications on key areas. The Council will also go into detailed talks about the points that have been made clear in the provincial assembly in no given time.”
In helping to enforce any bill that will have gone through all clarifications, the law department has been called upon to fasten the process of bills going through to the provincial assembly.
The Provincial Commission on the Status of Women failed to have concrete drafts which did not explicitly explain what domestic violence is all about.
“The provincial law department has founded amendments to make the commission independent. After the budget session, it would be presented to the assembly for approval. The commission will no longer have to depend on the social welfare department anymore.” the minister explained.
The commission is seeking complete independence so that it will not have to be reporting to the social welfare department anything a need arises. Financial issues also get delayed which in turn affects the rate at which things are to be done within the commission.
The Social Welfare and Women Development Department has been dormant over the years and steps are been taken to revive the department.
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