New Fatwa allows transgender people to marry
Monday, June 27th, 2016 12:24:21 by fatimaarshad
A recently passed fatwa by an Islamic scholar belonging to the Barelvi school of thought, allows transgender men to marry transgender women and vice versa. The fatwa also covers other aspects of the rights of transgender community and it comes at a time when transgender people are highly discriminated against in the society.
“A transman can marry a transwoman and vice versa, but intersex person – people born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies – cannot marry at all according to Islam,” stated Mufti Muhammad Imran Hanfi Qadri in a fatwa which was issued on the request of Chairman of Tanzim Ittehade Ummat Pakistan Muhammad Ziaul Haq Naqashbandi.
The fatwa covers transgender male who shows primary characteristics of a male to marry a transgender female who shows primary characteristics of a woman and vice versa. The fatwa declares that an intersex person called Khunsa-e-Mushkil in Islamic Sharia, cannot marry at all.
This religious decree also urges parents of transgender people to give their children their due share in inheritance. The parents who deprive their transgender children from their due share, commit a sin and invite the wrath of God. Mufti Imran urged the government to punish parents who commit such an act.
Mufti Imran also said that it is forbidden to make fun of transgender, even by hooting, as ‘they are also created by Allah Almighty’.
The decree also mentions that upon dying a transgender’s funeral prayers are similar to that of a regular person.
Mufti Imran calls upon the government to take necessary action to ensure that the transgender community is given the same rights as that of ordinary citizens of Pakistan.
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