Set your reminders and get ready to witness the Super Moon tonight!
Monday, November 14th, 2016 12:28:55 by fatimaarshad
People all over the world are very excited for the Super Moon tonight, when it will appear larger than usual in the night sky. The unusually large and bright moon will adorn the night sky tonight as it will be closer to the earth than it has been in the past 68 years.
If the weather remains clear and there is not too much pollution in the atmosphere, the moon will present a very dramatic image in the sky. According to experts, the moon will appear in its full glory at about 13:52 GMT, and that will be the time when the sun sets over Asia. If anyone wants to witness the moon at its peak, they should have their gaze set to the sky shortly after the sun sets over the horizon.
According to experts, the Super Moon occurs when the moon is full and is very its perigee-which is the closest point of moon to the earth on an elliptical, monthly orbit.
“On November 14, it becomes full within about two hours of perigee — arguably making it an extra-super Moon,” NASA says on its website.
The last time the moon was at its largest size when seen from the earth, was in the year 1948, when it was at a distance of 356,509 kilometers.
According to the Irish Astronomical Association (IAA), the Super Moon will be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than at its farthest orbit point.
“Because the Earth/Moon system will be getting quite close to the time of year when it is closest to the Sun (January 4, 2017), the Moon will be receiving more sunlight than average, also boosting its apparent brightness.”
The next time that we will be able to see the Super Moon this big is in the year 2034 when the moon will come even close by 64 KMs to the earth.
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