Woman sets herself on fire after being raped on Panchayat’s orders
Monday, November 14th, 2016 3:44:10 by fatimaarshad
A woman who had set herself on fire after being raped on the local Panchayat’s orders, passed away at the Mayo Hospital in Lahore. According to the details provided, the victim, whose name has not been revealed, gave up on the struggles of this life due to the treatment of her family towards her after being subjected to such torture.
The details reveal that a Panchayat-which is a local court-in Gujrat had asked a man whose minor daughter had been raped, to rape the daughter of the rapist. The rapist had already served a prison sentence that a local court had given him but the Panchayat wanted a justice of their own to be served.
The victim, who killed herself, was married and reportedly pregnant. While she was on her death bed, she gave a statement to the police in which she said that she was raped on the orders of the Panchayat.
The victim’s husband refused to register a case against the members of the Panchayat who raped her, saying that he did not want to register a case and that only God will give him justice. His statement was recorded in a video message and played on local news channels.
According to the details provided to the police, the incident of rape had occurred five months ago in Bhimber area of Azad Kashmir. When the parents of the victim were told that she was metted out this punishment because her father had raped a minor, they refused claiming that their daughter was mentally unstable. Even the victim’s husband had claimed that his wife was mentally unstable.
This is not the first time that such cases have been brought to light. Usually victims of rape cases are dealt with in a very derogatory manner in Pakistan and they eventually end up taking their own lives.
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