Amitabh Bachan finally reveals what he thinks of Aishwarya Rai’s daring role in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 11:15:58 by fatimaarshad
In a conventional Indian household, the bahu of the house is considered to be a simple and conservative woman, so when Aishwarya Rai Bachan broke those conventions by appearing in steamy scenes with her co-star Ranbir Kapoor, everyone wanted to know what her inlaws-the Bachans-really thought.
Aishwarya Rai stars as Ranbir’s lover, who is bigger than him in age. There are a few racy scenes between the two in the movie, and a lot of people speculated that Rai’s husband, Abhishek Bachan and his family will not be really comfortable with those scenes.
Initially when the movie was screened multiple times, the Bachan family did not show up on any of those screenings. Their absence surely meant that they were not really supportive of Aishwarya’s role in the movie.
However, Abhishek Bachan recently put these rumors to rest by addressing the audience at 22nd Kolkata International Film Festival. Big B threw some light on the changing role of female characters in today’s movies.
In his speech, Amitabh took out examples from Indian cinema like relating Rosy played by Waheeda Rehman in the old movie Guide and said; “Certainly Rosie was one of the rare characters in Indian cinema. She stood for what she believed in and made her own choices in relationships, going against all none of what was expected from Indian women at that time.”
Amitabh also threw light on the topic of the changes shown in women and their relationship with their home and relationships.
He further added that these changes are not sudden and that it took time to incorporate them in the society and in the films. Now women are more empowered and are shown to be at par with their male counterparts.
In the end he referred to Aishwarya’s character Saba in ADHM and said that it turned the tables on men.
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