Indian soldier guarding the border complains of sub-standard food, frequent starvation
Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 6:18:11 by fatimaarshad
Video of a man claiming to be a soldier of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) has gone viral for the series of complaints he is going on about in the clip.
The soldier, identified as Tej Bahadur Yadav, is serving in the 29th Battalion of the Border Security and in the video he is seen standing with a snow-covered mountain in the backdrop, somewhere in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
“We don’t want to blame the government because it does send us the food. However, it is all sold off in the markets before it gets to us,” Yadav claims in the video.
“A lot of times we go to sleep hungry,” the soldier adds, saying their breakfast consists of a “burnt paratha” with tea, and tasteless lentils for lunch and dinner.
“How are we expected to perform a 10-hour-long duty with this nutrition,” Yadav says, adding the soldiers have been faced with this situation for the past 10 days or so.
“I want to reiterate the Indian government does send us food but we don’t know where it goes,” the BSF soldier said, adding he fears for his life for raising the issue.
“Spread this message and make sure it reaches the concerned authorities as I do not know what will become of me after this video is posted,” Yadav says.
Yadav’s message did reach the right audience as Indian Home Minister Raj Nath immediately directed the ministry of foreign affairs to submit a report on BSF. However, it is now known till now whether Yadav was reprimanded for his actions.
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