Investigations into Chaudhry Aslam’s murder probe reveal personal guard was involved
Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 3:10:58 by fatimaarshad
The investigations into the death of Superintendent of Police (SP) Muhammad Aslam Khan, also known as Chaudhry Aslam, have concluded and they revealed that his own driver cum bodyguard was involved in his murder.
Chadhry Aslam was leading the Crime Investigation Department (CID) in Karachi and even before his death, several attempts to murder him had been foiled. He was known as an upright and brave officer, who fought terrorists and criminals with a lot of valor.
Aslam was martyred in 2014 when his convoy was attacked using an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) which was planted in a vehicle on the Lyari Expressway. The explosives were so powerful that the vehicle’s wreckage was thrown some 30 feet away from the site of the explosion and the officer was killed at the scene.
Several suspects were arrested after Aslam’s murder and interogations revealed that police constable Kamran, Aslam’s bodyguard cum driver was the one who helped in Aslam’s assassination. Kamran was in fact a member of the Sipah-e-Sahaba whichlater reinvented itself as Ahle-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat (AWSJ).
Kamran gave information regarding Aslam’s movement to his killers who later planted a bomb in the officer’s route. Kamran called up a person called Imran Bhatti, a police informant who was later arrested by the Rangers. Bhatti then called the suicide bomber from South Waziristan, who then carried out the murder.
Before the fatal attack on his life in 2014, Aslam survived a suicide attack on his residence in September 2011 in which eight people were killed. Despite such huge risk to his life, Aslam kept on fighting the wrongdoers and never wavered in the line of duty.
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