Man gets electrocuted while charging iPhone in bed
Monday, April 3rd, 2017 5:36:30 by fatimaarshad
A 32-year-old man from Huntsville, Alabama, got badly burnt after he was electrocuted by his iPhone’s charger. Wiley Day, nearly escaped death and now he is urging everyone to learn from his experience and not charge their electronic devices in bed.
The incident took place on March 22, when Day fell asleep in his bed after plugging his iPhone via an extension cord and keeping it with his in bed as it charged overnight. The next day, Day work up and as he rolled out of bed, his necklace caught on the exposed prongs of his charger head, turning the meta chain into a conductor for the electricity which travelled straight to Day’s neck.
“It was the eeriest, darkest, most demonic thing you could ever experience,” Day said while speaking to The Washington Post. “I don’t have enough adjectives to describe it.”
He went on to say, “Your body is numb at that point,” adding, “I guess people would think it would be burning, but in my case I felt a whole lot of pressure around my neck.”
Even during the deadly ordeal, Day became aware of the situation and he managed to rip the metal necklace off his neck, which eventually saved him.
“Had I not pulled that necklace off when I did …” Day said. “I just believe that God spared my life, and that’s what happened.”
Day was immediately taken to the hospital where he was treated for second and third degree burns to his hands and neck.
Now Day wants everyone to learn from his terrible experience and is advising everyone to avoid using electronics in bed.
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