Engaged couple removed from United Airlines flight
Monday, April 17th, 2017 1:39:16 by fatimaarshad
Ever since a man was recklessly dragged-off of an overbooked United Airlines flight, the airline has been under huge public scrutiny. That is why when a couple was asked to leave the flight, the otherwise trivial news, made headlines around the world.
According to the details of the incident provided, an engaged couple was removed from a United Airlines flight to Costa Rica on Saturday, where they were going to get married.
According to the couple, they were escorted off the plane by a federal marshal before take-off from Houston, Texas. United however, has denied these claims saying in a statement that neither a marshal not any other authority was involved.
The couple “repeatedly attempted to sit in upgraded seating which they did not purchase and they would not follow crew instructions to return to their assigned seats,” United said in a statement, adding “They were asked to leave the plane by our staff and complied.”
United Airlines’ spokesperson further added that the couple was offered a discounted hotel rate for the night and then they were rebooked on a Sunday morning flight.
However, Michael Hohl and his fiancé, Amber Maxwell, had a different story to tell. They told reporters that they saw a man sleeping across their seats and decided to sit some place more private. They said that they spotted vacant seats in the ‘economy plus’ section and wanted to sit there by paying the airlines for the extra cost.
“We thought not a big deal, it’s not like we are trying to jump up into a first-class seat,” Hohl told KHOU. “We were simply in an economy row a few rows above our economy seat.”
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