President Trump lauds Pakistan’s efforts in rescuing US-Canadian family
Friday, October 13th, 2017 11:10:04 by fatimaarshad
The relations between Pakistan and the United States have been very tense since the time President Trump has publicly lambasted the country for not doing enough in the war on terror. However, the recent successful rescue operation of an American-Canadian family by Pakistani forces have pleased Trump and he applauded the country for its efforts.
The US-Canadian family had spent years in Taliban captivity after Caitlin Coleman and Joshua Boyle were captured by the militants in 2012 while they were backpacking in Afghanistan. During this time the couple remained under the custody of the Haqqani network, and they also bore three children.
“The Pakistani government´s cooperation is a sign that it is honoring America´s wish that it do more to provide security in the region,” Trump told reporters.
“They worked very hard on this, and I believe they´re starting to respect the United States again,” he said, adding that “a lot” of other nations were also showing greater deference to the US.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis meanwhile praised the release as a positive step in often rocky US-Pakistan ties.
“This is a very positive moment and the Pakistan army performed well. We will hopefully see it being a harbinger for the future,” he told reporters on Thursday afternoon, without offering details about the nature of the operation.
The rescued family has been safely brought to Pakistan but according to reports, Boyle refused to immediately board a US-bound jet over concerns that his past links to a former Guantanamo Bay inmate may lend him to trouble in the US.
However, the US and Canadian governments have assured that Boyle will not be under any sort of investigation and he will be free to live a normal life.
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