Khayyam Bokhari
Joined on: Nov 30, -0001
Published stories: 40
Articles By Khayyam Bokhari

As soon as I finished my graduation, I started to work hoping that if I earn, would make my life a bit more ‘independent’. However, it hasn’t been long that I have realized that independence is by far the hardest thing you get in life. Our teenage goes by getting all kind of things from […]
Nov 4 2011 | Posted in
Society |
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Positivity – Seeking an opportunity in every difficulty Sometimes we are able to reap the fruits of success and sometimes failures also become our destiny. Success or failure is just small points in the long line of life. If we take a particular failure to heart, we won’t be able to come out of it […]
Nov 3 2011 | Posted in
Opinion |
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More than a decade back, Pakistan’s music industry was rocked by world renowned musicians like Noor Jehan, Mehndi Hassan, and lastly the great Ustad, Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. Surely, all of these people had made us mad with their heavenly voices and their ability to mesmerize their listeners with heart touching lyrics. Yet there […]
Nov 2 2011 | Posted in
Entertainment |
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In a previous edition of an article written that discussed the negative mind development of our young ones through different TV shows and cartoons, there is another group of people who are being affected in the similar manner. Remembering the times when there were TV shows related to the bravery of our Armed forces and […]

Cornering the Shareef Party – The New Game in Play Although the winters have cooled down the temperatures, the upcoming elections have busted up the heat as all of the top political groups are now arranging rallies trying to make a bigger impact than the others. However, there has been a twist in the political […]

The report titled ‘The global Afghan opium trade: A threat assessment’ released by the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) after a case study on trafficking through Balochistan and Fata said the spot of Gwadar port endowed with an break to subvert trade sanctions on Iran. It said the rapid rise in trade volume […]

Since the time peoples party has come into power there has been on or the other political party storming the administration on corruption, inflation and many other topics. This is what they say actually. In reality the only thing that has happened that is seen on TV is seeing three people for different political bodies […]
Oct 28 2011 | Posted in
Opinion |
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Maximious – a term relative to power, strength and potentiality. A term that makes a greedy human undergo godly behaviour. Actions that might tend to bend a person to do righteous or satanic deeds. Empowering a man to stand up and help the good or become the bad. Undeniably, in today’s world, these terms are […]

In the world of today, where learning is the only way to success, is seldom found easily. Parents of our generation send their little ones to schools, colleges and universities to get the best degree and become what they have dreamt for their children to be. Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan is occupied by an […]

Unscathed or impervious by this wrath of load shedding, the people of this country are surely fed up now. Alongside, continued power outages and then blabbering of current administration that this condition is out of their hands left you wonder what’s wrong with this state. Recently our ‘Load Shedding’ minister proclaimed that this nightmare has […]

The real story behind Libyan War With all the bloodshed been done in Libya and the dictator being killed in the civil war, there is still a question unanswered. As per the Russian president, why was Libya bombed without any reason? Who gave the right to American to judge the protection of Libyan people when […]

Back in the 1990’s, when Pakistan was somewhat a stable state, there aired the first media coverage of an Egyptian driving an explosive-laden car into the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, 1995. The second suicide attack was carried by a local who attacked the French engineers outside of Karachi’s Hotel Sheraton, 2002. Initiating the chain of […]