Remembering Benazir Bhutto Benazir Bhutto, without a doubt, was not only one of the greatest leaders to be seen in Pakistan, but throughout the world indeed. Only a few have been born in history with the capabilities and talent she had and being a woman in an Eastern world to grow up and lead the […]

Discovering the Pakistani Constitution -Part 2 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which is the supreme law of the federation in our country, is a very interesting and complete document which could, if eradicated, put our state in a condition of lawlessness and every man for himself type of circumstances. It is the […]

The culture and customs of political processions and congregations is being shifted to more interactive grounds where the audience that needs to be captured is alert and receptive. There are still many parties who make people attend their congregations forcefully, the way many are disillusioned to cast vote and then are left to the mercy […]

Discovering the Pakistani Constitution The constitution throughout the world is considered to be the supreme law of the land, which is beneficial for every single citizen in society, the only condition being that if they know about it or not. Most people in basically any country around the world have not ever taken a proper […]

The world’s most secretive country and ruled by mysterious family, North Korea is mourning over their beloved ruler Kim Jong-il, but outside its borders, no one has clear idea regarding the new commander in chief of communist Korea. Many political analysts believe that Kin Jong-un will be heading the troubled country. But some inside sources […]

Bravo Prime Minister Gillani! Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, seeing your speech the other day certainly reminded me of the days Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the PM. Even though I was not physically there at the time, seeing his videos and reading the speeches certainly boosted my confidence and morale for being a citizen of […]

True to every sense and essence of the phrase, politicians are being marketed, only that there is rarely any benefit or healthy feature that can be highlighted while marketing but still then what are impositions and enforced beliefs for? They have never been so extensively and ruthlessly marketed before. Each anchor who takes their name […]

The Unfortunate Situation of our Society Looking at the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf public meeting on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, and how it came to an end, it was certainly a disappointment to be saying that those people were Pakistan and out brothers in the country. As soon as Imran Khan left, people everywhere started stacking the […]

By all means it is the best part of the year. It gives you the option of so many activities and plans that you just dread throughout the year, specially in summer. Everything about the daily routine turns out to be way more tolerant and even pleasant. When you wake up in the morning, the […]

“You need grooming” is what was told to her by a friend who had been around since last five years………or is she even a friend?? Doubt and confusion is what surfaced and engulfed her mind. Her life was a struggle for survival throughout as she was not among those who have their fathers and brothers […]

One of the most cherished moments during the chilling cold months is to crowd around a heater with family or friends even if the poor electric and/or gas appliance is so small in size itself that it is barely visible after all the people settle and take ‘shelter’ around it. This trend is one that […]

In Pakistan, December 25th is a public holiday, but it is in memory of Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. Like in India, Christians make up a very small part of the population. But as Pakistan has a population over 162 million people, there are more than 5 million Christians! Most Christians in Pakistan are quite […]