The academics, including 9,000 with PhDs, claim that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are actually beneficial for the environment. The petition was created in 1998 by an American physicist, the late Frederick Seitz, in response to the Kyoto Protocol a year earlier. It urged the US government to reject the treaty and […]

Leaving from the office after working for straight nine hours I could not imagine that a traffic jam would refresh me to an extent that it would be almost as if I have just jumped out of the bed!! The buzzing of the crowd outside the Sunday market that can also be easily located in […]

Stagnating the market with look a likes and me too products cannot really be classified as innovation or can it be? We are taught that even if its skimmed milk that is being offered then it has gone through research and development that has effectively made it different from let’s say cream milk. Using this […]

It might not be the most appropriate assertion to make, but media in Pakistan is doing a bit more than what it actually should be doing. By media, I specifically denote newspapers and in today’s scenario, news channels as well. While news and truth are usually never the same, reporting should be based on facts […]
Dec 10 2011 | Posted in
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No matter how hard they try against their big names and whatsoever they manage by building their fake image, the truth is that they will still treat you like another number if not ‘another brick in the wall’. I am talking about some of our really prestigious and highly esteemed hospitals that hand you with […]

Why President Asif Ali Zardari will not Step Down in any case Being the President of Pakistan is no easy job and I think that we all can agree with that statement. Facing undeniable pressure from external powers like the United States, the United Nations, than you have our neighbours, India and Afghanistan along with […]

We just cannot say that our nation does not have a taste when it comes to watching movies even if it is the minutest of the percentage. We have movies like ‘Love mei Ghum’ and then a calibre that is as intense as something like ‘Bol’. I very recently got the chance to watch the […]

Karbala and Today Centuries ago, when Hazrat Imam Hussain demonstrated the biggest display of faith, the main concept behind the martyrdom was that Allah was the Mighty Power and none else. The fight for justice was so crucial that most members of the family of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) gave away their lives for the […]

The time, people and well the world that we have around us has unfortunately redefined or let’s say changed, turned, twisted the true essence of the meaning of beauty and looking good. For some reason now it can only be accomplished by visiting the parlour at least twice a week, if not once. You have […]

Yazid stood for all that was against Islamic norms. Not only was his lifestyle against that of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions he also tried to destroy the institution of khilafat by introducing monarchy. This was totally against the revolutionary spirit of the political system introduced by Islam. Husain perhaps knew, before he left […]

Conventional Muslim set-ups place many limitations on women. They cannot even project out of their homes; most are obligated to restrict themselves to performing family chores only. Few Muslim women take up public roles; fewer still contribute in outdoor events. All this is being done in the name of Islam by the self-styled guardians of […]

Instead of creating a havoc……..well financial and otherwise when girls are about to get married or are in the age range of getting married I guess they should put their energies towards a proper and guided channel rather than running astray and following the insanity that every girl does these days. According to me if […]